Group Coaching

Do you have a sense of what you want to achieve but just need some ongoing support, input, and encouragement?



Bouquet Accountability Group

Learn to live life on your own terms, with others.

Take time out for yourself, grow in confidence, and learn to juggle life’s demands with the support, input and encouragement of other likeminded women.

Why you need this

When juggling life’s demands, it’s easy to fall into a habit of putting things off for another day.

This can be especially true if your day-to-day responsibilities include supporting others, raising a family, or running your own business.

But if you want any chance of improving your life, achieving your goals, and living life on your own terms, you need to be accountable.

A 2018 study* in the USA found that the probability of achieving your goals increases by taking the following actions:

  • 10% – If you have an actual idea or goal.
  • 25% – If you consciously decide you will do it.
  • 40% – If you decide when you will do it.
  • 50% – If you plan how you will do it.
  • 65% – If you commit to someone, you will do it.
  • 95% – If you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed to.

After reading these figures, the big question is: What are the chances of you achieving your goals?

And more importantly… How likely are you to create the changes you want to see in your life alone?

To explore the answers to these, book a call.

We’ll talk about where you are on your journey, and how we can map a path to move you forward to where you want to be.

What are the benefits?

Despite knowing we can achieve more when we work together, for some reason it can feel difficult to ask for help and support from others when we need it.

As busy women juggling lots of demands, we can sometimes get caught in the trap of forging ahead like frustrated superwomen – working harder and longer to create the changes we want to see.

But it doesn’t need to be this way…

In fact, social support is key to our wellbeing and progress, and gives us a much better chance of achieving our goals. And this is because we’re built for community which provides a sense of belonging, value and security.

So, among other benefits, joining the Bud to Bouquet Accountability Group:

  • Invites you to prioritise your personal and professional growth
  • Offers a space for you to share your ideas and learn from others
  • Helps you define and measure your progress and success
  • Encourages you to recognise your progress and celebrate your wins
  • Gives you access to likeminded women who can offer you support and encouragement
  • Reduces your tendency to put things off and be distracted by less important things
  • Massively increases the likelihood of you achieving your goals
  • Provides an opportunity to build and expand your network
  • Helps to develop your self-awareness, confidence and communication skills

Put simply… being part of the Bouquet community could be the next step towards you living life on your own terms.

How it works

The group meets for six months, and as part of our six-month journey, you’ll be invited to join six 90-minute Zoom calls.

Each call will provide a space to reflect on your progress and consider any next steps towards achieving your goals.

With this, you’ll also have an opportunity to gain insights and encouragement from others on the progress you’re making.

You can also expect to be invited to contribute to the overall success of others in the group.

In terms of cost, you’ll make a monthly investment of £57.00. Which, by the way, is less than the cost of one cup of coffee (or hot chocolate) a day!


To add more value, the group is only limited to a small number of women.

If you believe you’d benefit from joining our community, book a call to chat with me about your goals and the group’s expectations.

I look forward to speaking with you!


“Mel is a doer, motivator and an all-round warm and understanding person.”

“Mel is a doer, motivator and an all-round warm and understanding person. She was grounded and steady in her approach to helping me get results, whilst instilling confidence.”

Helen, Interior Stylist & Designer

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