1-2-1 Coaching

Are you a busy woman who wants to get better at juggling life’s demands so you can live life on your own terms?



Coaching for busy Women

Life is different for all of us, as are our needs.

To support the busy women I work with, my coaching  package is designed to help you juggle life’s demands, beat overwhelm and increase confidence, so you can live life on your terms.

What is Coaching?

Coaching is a consistent, confidential and structured conversation between a qualified coach and coachee. Time frames for coaching relationships can vary, but I typically work with my clients for between 3-6 months.

At the core of the coaching process is a belief that you have the answers within you. My role as a coach is to help you identify, access and benefit from your experience, resources and intuition.

The benefits of coaching

There are many benefits to coaching. However, when working with me you can expect to experience the following:

  • Getting clear about what you want to achieve
  • Setting realistic and manageable goals
  • Developing step-by-step action plans
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem
  • Improved communication skills
  • More effective time management
  • Accountability to increase your chances of success
  • Accelerated progress and improved performance

I’m committed to your success!

What to expect

As your coach I’ll help you get clarity around your personal and/or professional goals. Then, I’ll help you identify any meaningful actions that’ll take you closer to achieving them. I’ll do this by listening, observing, asking questions, and offering feedback.

As part of our work, I’ll also support you with identifying and challenging any beliefs or behaviours which might be stopping you from making progress. We’ll do this through the use of research-based techniques, activities and tools.

In my sessions, I typically use the GROW model. This is a popular coaching model which helps you to identify a goal (G), consider your current reality (R), consider your options (O), and decide on the best way forward (W). Where helpful, I may also use other coaching approaches.

Juggling gets easier with a system!

You and I both know that the challenge of juggling life’s demands isn’t going anywhere anytime soon… it’s going to be with us for a long time.

So knowing this, although I can’t promiose it won’t be a struggle from time to time (even after working with me!), I can say with confidence that you’ll feel more confident if you follow my 6-Step System for Juggling Life’s Demands.

It’s a simple process I’ve developed, which when applied can help you to tackle life’s demands and feel much more in control of all the things on your plate.

But knowing all busy women are different, it’s been designed as a guide, not a template. In other words, we’ll use it as a tool to guide our work together, rather than getting too locked into it.

6-Step Coaching System

Coaching Packages

“I didn’t know I needed a coach until I got one…”

“I’m so grateful for the opportunity to dig deeper, set goals, confront and challenge myself on both a personal and professional level, and so much more.

I’d encourage any busy women who’d like support in navigating their busy lives, to reach out and connect with Mel. I didn’t know I needed a coach until I got one.”

Laura, Business Owner

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