This year is flying by, I cannot believe that next week is November!

As we approach a new year, this is often a time when people start reviewing and planning what they’d like to achieve in the year ahead; they start thinking about their goals.

I have my ‘goals for 2022’ in the front of my pale pink diary. I have it there so I can regularly check what they are and whether I am still working towards them – am I making progress or do I need to tweak or change some actions.

For me, having a visual of my goals helps to keep me on track, so with this in mind, I’ve put together a sheet for you to use for the year ahead.

I’ve broken the sheet into sections, so once you’ve written down your ‘goals’ you can then write down what steps or actions you’ll take to get you closer to your then. There is also a space for your target date. ❤️

Goals work when you review them and the actions towards them, hence why a target date is helpful.

Goals are helpful in keeping you focussed on the changes you want to make, with the actions and target date helping to keep you realistic and being mindful of the steps needed to reach the goal. ❤️

Goals aren’t usually ‘quick fixes’ – they take time, they usually involve changes in habits and behaviours. They also involve effort and being intentional. 🙌🏻

What is your number one goal for 2023?

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If you want to see changes in your life and you think coaching might help, book a free Exploration Call with me to chat about how I might be able to help you.

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