As I look at this image I am reminded that there is more than one way; more than one route to get to our goals.

The steps we take to move closer to our goals are not always in a straight line, sometimes we have to take side steps or step backwards. Sometimes we even have to change the route, it doesn’t mean we still aren’t moving towards our goals and taking action.

Sometimes thinking there is only one ‘right’ way for us to achieve or progress, can be an obstacle for us. If we embrace multiple ways, maybe some of our creative juices could start flowing, unlocking other things too.

I would encourage you not to box yourself in, not to put your own glass ceiling in place, not to let your limited beliefs impact your journey towards your goals.

There are multiple ways to reach your goals – which route will you start on?

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If you want to see changes in your life and you think coaching might help, book a free Exploration Call with me to chat about how I might be able to help you.

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