When I first experienced coaching, many years ago, my coach used this tool with me.

Although The Wheel Of Life looked different and some of the headings were different, it actually had the same purpose- it was about me thinking about each of the headings and grading each one between 0-10.

Zero was a low score – things were terrible/challenging and ten represented a high score – things were great!

I have used this many times with my coaching clients and they find it helpful to grade and talk through why they’ve given each area, the grading they have.

Some then go on to use the low graded areas to make some goals, so they can make changes.

Others talk through what would need to change for the headings to be higher and what are priorities for them.

After a set period of time, the wheel of life can then be reviewed or repeated, so progress/change is recorded.

Many like it, as it is visual and reminds them that all parts of our lives are connected and so one area impacts others.

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If you want to see changes in your life and you think coaching might help, book a free Exploration Call with me to chat about how I might be able to help you.

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